Fool's Errand 2/9 @ 10am, on-site & online via Zoom at When God calls Isaiah to be a prophet, They give him an odd bit of direction: "Preach my justice, peace, and compassion until the people no longer hear you and won't actually change and the world falls to pieces." That didn't used to make too much sense, but these days? Got it. Sometimes the world just refuses to change. But preach justice, peace, and compassion ANYWAY. Preaching and living the love and justice of Jesus really is a fool's errand somedays, but go ahead. Be God's holy fool. You're in good company. (Isaiah 6:1-13) We'll hear today from Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, the General Minister and President of our United Church of Christ denominational family, and the first woman, Black woman, and immigrant to be elected to that position.
Save paper! Download a bulletin. We have printed bulletins and slides on-site for you to participate in worship, but if you're worshiping online and/or you'd like to help us save paper, download a PDF version for yourself here To download a bulletin for this Sunday, CLICK HERE To download a large print bulletin for this Sunday, CLICK HERE
Children of all ages are always welcome in worship!Quiet books and pew pals (soft toys) are available in the foyer outside the sanctuary doors. All bathrooms have changing tables. Pre-Kchildren who are potty trained are welcome to join our elementary Sunday school activities. Sunday School is usually offered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month,unless otherwise announced.
There is Sunday school this Sunday. Children will be invited to follow their teachers downstairs to the classroom following the Time Especially for Children. Our next Sunday School dates are 2/23 & 3/9