Holy Week & Easter
The culmination of the Lenten season is our observance of Holy Week, as we remember Jesus' last days in Jerusalem, his dedication to radical love and justice that saw him crucified by the powers that be, and the resurrection of hope. Join us as we walk with him from Palm Sunday to Maundy (or Holy) Thursday to Good Friday to Easter Sunday.

Maundy Thursday
All of You Is Invited
Thursday, 4/6 @ 7pm EDT LIVE!
On-Site & Online via Zoom at
We remember Jesus’ last night with his disciples, and his last supper, when welcomed them all to the table, even his betrayer, as an act of radical hospitality on the eve of his death at the hands of the state. Even in the midst of our own season of shadows, inside and out, that invitation still stands. Come and share Jesus’ table, his a “new commandment” that we should love one another, and his trials, as he shares ours. Worship will include both Holy Communion and a Service of Tenebrae or Shadows.
All of You Is Invited
Thursday, 4/6 @ 7pm EDT LIVE!
On-Site & Online via Zoom at
We remember Jesus’ last night with his disciples, and his last supper, when welcomed them all to the table, even his betrayer, as an act of radical hospitality on the eve of his death at the hands of the state. Even in the midst of our own season of shadows, inside and out, that invitation still stands. Come and share Jesus’ table, his a “new commandment” that we should love one another, and his trials, as he shares ours. Worship will include both Holy Communion and a Service of Tenebrae or Shadows.
- "Masks Respected, Not Required" COVID protocols are now in effect. See below for more info
- We will share holy communion / the Eucharist / the Lord's Supper as part of our worship. If participating online, please prepare something to eat and drink at home. (It does not need to be fancy, but whatever's on hand.) Elements served on-site are gluten- and alcohol-free. ALL are invited to share.
- To download a PDF of the worship bulletin for this service, click here
- To download a LARGE PRINT BULLETIN, click here

Good Friday
Stations of the Cross
Friday, 4/7 @ 7pm EDT LIVE!
On-Site & Online via Zoom at http://zoom.us/j/907548568
First Baptist Church, Needham
858 Great Plain Ave
We will share this opportunity to remember Jesus’ execution on the cross with neighbors in Needham as part of an ecumenical worship service hosted by First Baptist Church, 858 Great Plain Avenue. This service will be live on-site at First Baptist and on Zoom, in a limited fashion, at our usual worship link:
Stations of the Cross
Friday, 4/7 @ 7pm EDT LIVE!
On-Site & Online via Zoom at http://zoom.us/j/907548568
First Baptist Church, Needham
858 Great Plain Ave
We will share this opportunity to remember Jesus’ execution on the cross with neighbors in Needham as part of an ecumenical worship service hosted by First Baptist Church, 858 Great Plain Avenue. This service will be live on-site at First Baptist and on Zoom, in a limited fashion, at our usual worship link:

We need your help to
Flower the Cross for Easter
A bare wooden cross stands at the center of our worship during this season of Lent. It will get even colder and harder during Holy Week as we accompany Jesus through the last hours of his life to his crucifixion on Good Friday and his burial in the tomb. But we believe death does not have the last word, and even the cross can be redeemed. As a sign of our hope in the resurrection, please bring flowers—LOTS OF FLOWERS—either from your lawn or the store, to decorate the cross and make it bloom on Easter Sunday, April 9 @ 10am.
Flower the Cross for Easter
A bare wooden cross stands at the center of our worship during this season of Lent. It will get even colder and harder during Holy Week as we accompany Jesus through the last hours of his life to his crucifixion on Good Friday and his burial in the tomb. But we believe death does not have the last word, and even the cross can be redeemed. As a sign of our hope in the resurrection, please bring flowers—LOTS OF FLOWERS—either from your lawn or the store, to decorate the cross and make it bloom on Easter Sunday, April 9 @ 10am.

Easter Sunday
Take It In
Sunday, 4/9 @ 10am EDT LIVE!
On-Site & Online via Zoom at http://zoom.us/j/907548568
The women who receive the good news of Jesus’ resurrection first are charged with the enormous task of being the world’s very first evangelists. But before the “go and tell his disciples he has been raised,” they need to stop and take it in for themselves: Jesus is alive. Death is not the last word. A better world is possible. Let’s just sit with that for a moment ourselves. (Matthew 28:1-10) Worship will include both Holy Communion and the Flowering of the Cross: Bring cut flowers (from your yard or the store) to help transform the death-dealing cross into a sign of God’s resurrection life!
Take It In
Sunday, 4/9 @ 10am EDT LIVE!
On-Site & Online via Zoom at http://zoom.us/j/907548568
The women who receive the good news of Jesus’ resurrection first are charged with the enormous task of being the world’s very first evangelists. But before the “go and tell his disciples he has been raised,” they need to stop and take it in for themselves: Jesus is alive. Death is not the last word. A better world is possible. Let’s just sit with that for a moment ourselves. (Matthew 28:1-10) Worship will include both Holy Communion and the Flowering of the Cross: Bring cut flowers (from your yard or the store) to help transform the death-dealing cross into a sign of God’s resurrection life!
- We will share holy communion / the Eucharist / the Lord's Supper as part of our worship. If participating online, please prepare something to eat and drink at home. (It does not need to be fancy, but whatever's on hand.) Elements served on-site are gluten- and alcohol-free. ALL are invited to share.
- To download a PDF of the worship bulletin for this service, click here
- To download a LARGE PRINT BULLETIN, click here